
0232-8339-2962 || Silver (SCA, VIO)
0232-8339-2962 || Silver (SCA, VIO) || XXXX

Trades (86)

[+] Events (1)
1. DLC Preorder H-Zoroark Code for 25 Apricorn balls /u/sparrowcount
[+] Shinies (7)
1. Received six pokemon from Vote4Pedro21, traded same pokemon back to Vote4Pedro21's other game file for Shiny Iron Valiant /u/Vote4Pedro21
2. 3 Tera type changes for Shiny Iron Bundle /u/Egamer20
3. Shiny Smoochum for Friend ball on an Iron Bundle /u/SonicBlader
4. Two pokemon holding a Metal Coat and a Prism Scale for Two pokemon holding Beast Balls /u/NPBrot
5. Evolved a Shiny Dewott in PL:A for A pokemon holding an Ability Patch /u/CykaShark
6. Shiny Slowpoke evo tradeback for a random pokemon holding a Friend ball /u/Sniknuh
7. Two Water Tera-type changes for a Shiny Teddiursa /u/DRUNK__SOULS
[+] Competitive / Casual (78)
1. Slowbro for Froakie/Fast ball /u/fc_jim95
2. Slowpoke for Zorua /u/wydeva
3. Slowpoke for Eevee/Bottlecap /u/AquaTalise
4. Froakie for XL Xp Candy /u/RestInternational611
5. Froakie for XL Xp Candy /u/jonathanlsg
6. Froakie for XL Xp Candy /u/Olley7
7. Froakie for XL Xp Candy /u/MyVixen
8. Love ball for Moon ball /u/JakeAscotia
9. Froakie for Azurill /u/YuriLorien
10. Froakie for Ability Patch /u/cea8210f
11. Ability Patch for Delibird, Chewtle, Stantler /u/viscereaux
12. Malicious Armor for Dreepy /u/Tangela8o8
13. 999 Gimmighoul coins/Gholdengo evolution for Deerling, Foongus, Sandile, Shellos, Snorunt /u/bLaCk_XxWiDoWxX
14. Malicious armor for Bombirdier /u/Drooski26
15. Cacnea, Murkrow, Gulpin for Ability Patch /u/valere1213
16. Ability Patch for Salandit, Tauros (Aqua breed), Venonat, Shuppet /u/valere1213
17. Two ability patches in SV for Wobbuffett and Solrock in SwSh /u/Wanderingscribe
18. Scorbunny for Zorua /u/B4gw0rms
19. Froakie for Random Pokemon holding Love ball /u/TXK3
20. Received a Corviknight, changed its tera type, traded back same Corviknight for Mareanie /u/_Thinkpol_
21. Stantler and Spoink for Falinks /u/Negative_Selection_9
22. Stantler, Pachirisu, and Gulpin for Tauros (Paldea), and Tauros (Blaze breed) in SV. Impidimp in SwSh /u/Annie4664
23. Venonat, Snorunt, Spoink, and Stantler for Happiny, Hatenna, Pichu, and Sinistea /u/ValkyrieG
24. Froakie for Magnemite /u/CrazyNek0
25. Froakie for Random pokemon holding a Dream ball /u/Chuzzle95
26. Received assorted pokemon from Orykorio, traded same pokemon back to Orykorio's other game file for Cyclizar holding a Friend ball /u/Orykorio
27. Froakie for Iron Hands /u/UncleJak
28. Roaring Moon for Iron Valiant /u/Desertfreak10
29. Froakie for Random pokemon holding a Friend ball /u/Tamabits
30. Orthworm, Wiglett, and Flamigo for Zorua (Hisui) /u/Aceinthetrashhole
31. Numel, Bruxish, Mankey, and Mareanie for Two Zorua /u/MotherOfCattleDogs
32. Walking Wake for Random pokemon holding a Fast ball, Dream ball, Heavy ball, Love ball, and Moon ball /u/Garguybbj
33. Stantler for Zorua (Hisui) /u/Fun-Incident-8238
34. Dudunsparce and Maushold for Lechonks holding a copy of every Apricorn ball, a Dream ball, and a Masterball /u/Talkswithtyler
35. A dunsparce holding a Bottlecap for Tauros /u/Thiagopepper
36. Larvitar, Goomy, Solosis, Drampa, Vullaby, Corsola, Lotad, Sableye, Lunatone, and Croagunk for Random pokemon holding two Ability Patches /u/Gatasi
37. Two Mightiest Mark Pikachu for Two random pokemon holding two Ability Patches /u/MitsuontheRocks
38. Received a Scyther, evolved a Scizor, traded back same Scizor for Tinkatink /u/blckenedicekaj
39. Flittle and Flittle for Starly and Dreepy /u/flamingmosquitoes
40. Barboach, Numel, and Glimmet for Houndour /u/Mambreon
41. Quaxly and Charcadet for Lechonk and Lechonk /u/stupadbear
42. Dreepy for Larvitar /u/DragonTail1218
43. 4 Tera Type changes for Heavy ball and Ability Patch /u/Lollafication
44. Evolved a Trevenant for A Trevenant holding an Ability Patch /u/coffeyb2
45. Rowlet for Heavy ball /u/sup12316
46. Evolved Feebas for Ability Patch /u/plynch90
47. Lapras, Snorlax, and Pikachu for Kyogre /u/TeoBoccaccio
48. Cubone, Miltank, Karrablast for Wimpod /u/JBSouls
49. White-stripe Basculin holding a Rare Candy for Alolan Grimer /u/CattaiI
50. Urshifu for Enamorus /u/ShisukoDesu
51. Petilil for Alolan Grimer /u/broyo9
52. Regidrago for Rayquaza /u/aznjon15
53. Two Basculin and a Numel for A pokemon holding a Masterball /u/PKMNShiro
54. Numel for Minun /u/QTLime
55. Huntail and Gorebyss for A pokemon holding a Fast Ball /u/vocifery
56. Tradeback Evos for Karrablast, Phantump, and Swirlix for Eternatus holding a Dream ball /u/Oranera
57. Three Oricorio for Finizen, Scyther, Slowpoke /u/MurphMan26
58. Two random breedjects for Two random pokemon holding a Sport ball and an Ability Patch /u/heshells_
59. Scyther for Random pokemon holding an Ability Patch /u/salarian9026
60. Venonat, Hisuian Growlithe, Teddiursa, and Litleo for Diglett holding an Ability Patch /u/Lost_Bartonius
61. Pachirisu for Illumise /u/Wonderful_Emu_9610
62. Spiritomb holding a Nugget for Sandygast /u/RuneQuicksilver
63. Five pokemon holding Ability Patches for a Pokemon holding a Fast ball /u/Duality44
64. Two Friend balls for One Heavy ball and One Moon ball /u/higashiriki
65. Safari Shellos, Level Falinks, and a Heavy Rolycoly for an Ability Patch /u/jrc523
66. Spoink, Minun, and Minun for a Sport ball /u/Duality44
67. a random pokemon holding an XL Exp Candy for a Zangoose /u/iviGhost69
68. Enamorus for a Luvdisc holding a Fast ball /u/pamn48
69. an unhatched Scorbunny for a pokemon holding an Ability Patch /u/DomRan32
70. 94 pokemon for 3 Ability Patches and Morpeko, Exeggcute, Minccino, Timburr, 5 Squawkabilly, Tandemaus, Tatsugiri, and Larvesta /u/Taimaniac
71. Heracross for Stantler /u/51101g
72. Eiscue, Spiritomb, Teddiursa, Treecko, Treecko, Vulpix, Mudkip, Mawile, Espurr, and Comfey for 10 XL Exp Candies /u/__the_problematique_
73. 104 breedject pokemon for 11 Ability Patches /u/Anderswelten
74. Cacnea, Heracross, Houndour, Shellder, Venonat, Venonat, G. Slowpoke, Carvanha, Cleffa, Cubone, Elekid, Minun, and Weedle for Phanpy, Sunkern, and Makuhita /u/Negative_Selection_9
75. Barboach, Heracross, Houndour, Larvitar, Luvdisc, Magnemite, Phanpy, Riolu, Rockruff, Rockruff, Sandygast, Sandygast, Scatterbug, Shellder, Shellos, Snom, Spoink, Torkoal, Venonat, Venonat, and Wingull for 2 Ability Patches and 1 XL Exp Candy /u/kittykate1998
76. Goomy and Scyther for 2 XL Exp Candies /u/acvobad
77. Goomy and Slowpoke (Galar) for 2 XL Exp Candies /u/Nonomi216
78. 2 Fennekin for 1 Ability Patch and Fennekin /u/cerbero38
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (13)

1. Received Haunter, evolved to Gengar, traded back Gengar. /u/Bhudda_bomber
2. Received Slowpoke, evolved to Slowking, traded back same Slowking /u/Xanderthecooliofrog
3. Received a Slowpoke, evolved a Slowbro, traded back same Slowbro /u/Rascal_712420
4. Evolved Scyther to Scizor /u/bluethalia
5. Evolved Shelmet and Karrablast /u/ChipDip2
6. Transferred Iron Hands and Kingambit between accounts /u/Yasohw
7. Evolved Feebas /u/MetalStego
8. Trade evolution of Adgit's Swirlix /u/Adgit
9. Trade evolution of IncognitoLive's Scyther /u/IncognitoLive
10. Trade evolution of corndaddog's Machoke /u/corndaddog
11. Trade evolution of ChickenOffSky's Politoed and Kingdra /u/ChickenOffSky
12. Trade evolution of Pocket_Monster_Fan's Haunter /u/Pocket_Monster_Fan
13. Trade evolution of Pepijnsterre1's Seadra /u/Pepijnsterre1

Misc (0)


ydkywbr's Information


Friend codes:
