Trades (9) |
[+] Events (6) | ||||
1. | Regigigas, Registeel, Regirock, Regice, Zekrom, Dialga for Two Scrap Codes | /u/mastergrumpus | ||
2. | Competitive shiny Froakie, Scatterbug and Mareep for a GAME darkrai code | /u/crawver | ||
3. | Tornadus, Treeko and a 4 IV shiny darumaka for Darkrai code | /u/Soapysoap93 | ||
4. | 3 Scrap codes for Darkrai code | /u/SmellyFartado | ||
5. | UT serenas fennekin for Trophy shiny teddiursa, comp chespin and articuno | /u/SmellyFartado | ||
6. | Darkrai code for Custom nicknamed SR'd regirock | /u/go4ino | ||
[+] Shinies (0) | ||||
[+] Competitive / Casual (0) | ||||
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (3) | ||||
1. | 2 GAME darkrai codes for WIN11 Celebi | /u/overworld99 | ||
2. | No-proof E4ALL manaphy for WSCK Linoone, HP ice shiny eevee and 5 IV shiny togepi | /u/EzyLy | ||
3. | SUM2013 Palkia for Darkrai code | /u/ExplosiveLlama | ||
[+] Egg Hatches (0) |
[+] Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given) |
[+] Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given) |
[+] Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0) |
[+] Misc (0) |
Hi, I'm Zembem (or Leo, whatever doesn't really matter) I like pokemon, long walks on the beach, food, food, and did I mention food?
Very nice, took time to breed me a 5IV Shinx even without asking :) Would trade with again!