
1306-9386-7334 || Dan (Y, UM)
1306-9386-7334 || Dan (Y, UM) || 3992, 2093

Trades (57)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (57)
1. 5IV Savanna Scatterbug for 4IV HA Chespin /u/mob_0007
2. HA Larvitar for 6IV Adamant Beldum /u/Leos-Klein
3. Stakataka for Blacephalon /u/IcyGin
4. 6IV HA Poliwag for 4IV HA Chimchar /u/Gizmaluke
5. 5IV HA Squirtle for 5IV HA Eevee /u/Anna_hamlin
6. 4IV Skarmory for 5IV Kangaskhan /u/theflamesof
7. Love HA Bounsweet for Dusk HA Trevenant /u/Gizmaluke
8. Beast HA Magnemite for Beast HA Charmander /u/KiroTelexia
9. Level Litleo and Friend HA Bulbasaur for Friend HA Paras and Heavy Komala /u/michaelsaurs90
10. Nest HA Summer Deerling, Repeat HA Autumn Deerling and Dive HA Winter Deerling for Heavy HA Onix, Lure HA Eevee and Love HA Kanto Meowth /u/Stevoo299
11. Love HA Fennekin for Moon HA Alolan Vulpix /u/Leafstorm121
12. Friend HA Bulbasaur and Beast HA Squirtle for Love HA Burmy and Heal HA Purrloin /u/CapGutz
13. Lure HA Corphish, Love Frillish, Moon Inkay, Heavy HA Pawniard, Level Litleo, Level HA Scraggy and some extras for Timer Shieldon, Ultra Aerodactyl, Ultra HA Tirtouga, HA Timer Lileep, Ultra Cranidos, Luxury Tirtouga, Dusk HA Omanyte, Timer Kabuto, Dive HA Anorith, Net Joltik and Archen /u/pipeboy_CP
14. Moon HA Ducklett, Moon HA Audino, Moon HA Lotad, Friend HA Chespin, Love HA Fennekin, Fast Larvesta and Love HA Minun for Net Omanyte, Net Kabuto, Luxury Kabuto, Luxury Omanyte, Luxury Lileep, Timer Tirtouga and Net Tirtouga /u/pipeboy_CP
15. Dream HA Drilbur for Nest Ferroseed /u/SwimmerSwim
16. Heavy HA Snorlax for Love Red Minior /u/Bluntasaur
17. Friend HA Alolan Grimer, Heavy HA Snorlax, Nest HA Pansage, Friend HA Chespin, Love HA Fennekin and 5 extras for Safari HA Kanto Diglett, Dream HA Drowzee, Dream HA Mr. Mime, Heavy HA Staryu, Safari HA Aipom, Friend HA Sunkern, Premier HA Shieldon, Fast HA Chatot, Dream HA Maractus and Heavy HA Mincinno /u/goyange
18. Moon HA Barboach for Moon HA Drampa /u/Clowkero
19. Heavy HA Alolan Sandshrew, Premier HA Alolan Ninetales, Friend HA Turtwig, Level Own Tempo Rockruff and Moon Own Tempo Rockruff for HA Krabby, HA Horsea, HA Sudowoodo, HA Mantine and HA Phanpy /u/nbandy90
20. Friend HA Tangela for Safari Kangaskhan /u/greenlabrador
21. Safari HA Teddiursa for Lure Wailmer /u/Tyranitar06
22. HA Magnemite, Rotom, HA Elgyem and Indigo Minior (all in Beast Balls) for HA Heavy Surskit, Heavy Sableye, Level Oricorio and Fast Yellow Minior /u/theshyghost
23. Fast HA Zigzagoon, Friend HA Ralts, Heavy Passimian, Heavy HA Relicanth, Lure HA Hoppip for Safari HA Kanto Rattata, Lure HA Blue Basculin, Moon HA Yellow Flabébé, Level Orange Minior, Heavy HA Timburr /u/YukinoHaruhi
24. Dive HA Omanyte, Net HA Kabuto, Love HA Minun, Repeat HA Pansear, Net HA Durant for Lure HA Psyduck, Safari Miltank, Safari Slakoth, Heavy HA Crabrawler, Heavy HA Sandygast /u/GoldenPokePuff
25. Timer Slugma for Fast HA Yungoos /u/Xilar_Void
26. Fast HA Spinda for Fast HA Yungoos /u/YukinoHaruhi
27. Fast HA Emolga for PP Max /u/_dreamkiller
28. Luxury HA Cranidos for PP Max /u/PeachyMeme
29. Friend HA Fomantis and Level Turtonator for 2 Ability Capsules /u/SafeCapsule
30. Premier HA Foongus + 1 random pokémon for 2 Rare Candies /u/lvinyard
31. Moon HA Hoothoot + 1 random pokémon for 2 Rare Candies /u/bigriglover2
32. Ultra HA Tyrogue + 1 random pokémon for 2 Rare Candies /u/leomon235
33. Beast HA Roselia for Dream HA Staryu /u/MC_CoyoteClan
34. Dream HAs Pinsir, Pineco and Roggenrola for Lure, Heavy and Fast HA Fennekin /u/BrittanySkitty
35. Heavy Wobbuffet; Fast and Heavy Qwilfish; Friend, Heavy, Lure and Moon Shuckle; Level and Lure Teddiursa; Lure Phanpy; Friend and Lure Stantler; Heavy Shroomish; Heavy and Level Minun; Fast and Lure Kricketot for Great HA Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Shieldon and Tirtouga; Ultra HA Omanyte, Kabuto, Lileep, Anorith and Shieldon; Premier HA Anorith; Dream HA Miltank, Tyrogue, Beldum and Klink /u/Knightinkodes
36. Heavy HA Wobbuffet; Heavy and Fast HA Girafarig for (HA) Friend, Heavy and Fast Mareanie /u/TheMadCollector
37. Dream HA Nidoran-F and Gulpin; Level Baltoy; Moon HA Flabébé (all 4 colors w/HA); Moon Blue Flabébé for Level HA Hippopotas and Stunfisk; Moon Tynamo and HA Vanillite; Love HA Audino, Emolga and Carbink; Heavy HA Magnemite /u/Eisenheim88
38. Love and Moon HA Bulbasaur; Love HA Treecko; Moon Torchic; Level HA Mudkip; Heavy HA Turtwig; Friend HA Chimchar; Level HA Froakie; Fast, Heavy and Fast HA Charmander for Heavy Castform; Love HA Vanillite; Love HA Wailmer; Moon HA Corphish; Fast and Love HA West Shellos; Moon HA Skorupi; Lure HA Red Basculin; Heavy HA Blue Basculin; Friend HA Sandile; Level HA Sigilyph /u/smadler92
39. Fast HA Spearow; Dream HA Nidoran (both) and Igglybuff; Level HA Mankey; Heavy HA Staryu; Lure HA Mantine and Gible; Love Mawile; Heavy HA Spoink; Moon HA Helioptile for Level HA Feebas and Shuppet; Lure HA Hippopotas; Friend HA Shuppet, Scraggy and Vanillite; Love HA Scyther, Trubbish and Pancham; Heavy HA Lotad; Fast HA Shuppet /u/KristianRiisgaardJ
40. Beast HA Totodile, Level HA Mudkip, Lure HA Turtwig, Friend HA Chimchar and Level HA Froakie for Friend Castform, Heavy HA Vanillite, Lure and Fast HA Goomy; Friend HA Jangmo-o /u/AuburnEnigma
41. Level Sableye for Heavy HA Rockruff /u/shinybidoof11
42. Lure HA Slowpoke, Fast HA Shroomish and Fast HA Feebas for Level HA Bulbasaur, Moon HA Squirtle and Love HA Squirtle /u/Th3M4rti4n
43. Lure HA Fennekin, Level HA Froakie and Heavy HA Froakie for Love HA Chansey, Beast HA Kangaskhan and Fast HA Miltank /u/schnipcake
44. Friend HA Bagon for Love HA Pikipek /u/wanderingscribe
45. 5IV HA Premier Slurpuff for Love HA Staryu /u/HippoLowercase
46. Moon Cherubi for Dream HA Munna /u/Eisenheim88
47. Friend HA exeggcute, Level Kangaskhan, Level HA Houndour, Fast HA Houndour, Level HA Taillow, Moon HA Sableye, Heavy Baltoy, Heavy HA Snorunt, Fast HA Timburr, Fast HA Emolga, Lure Blue Minior, Lure HA Frillish and Heavy HA Pawniard for Fast HA Scyther, Moon HA Nosepass, Fast Electrike, Friend Trapinch, Fast HA Corphish, Level HA Litwick, Level HA Mienfoo, Fast Noibat, Fast HA Oranguru, Level Sandygast, Beast HA Dratini, Beast Sandile and Beast Litwick /u/The_Guy83
48. Level HA Charmander, Safari HA Bellsprout, Safari HA Exeggcute, Heavy HA Snorlax, Love HA Smoochum, Dream HA Spiritomb, Moon HA Liwtick, Heavy HA Pawniard, Moon Deino and Moon HA Noibat for Friend Dhelmise, Moon Dhelmise, Level HA Bounsweet, Friend HA Bounsweet, Moon HA Bounsweet, Level HA Carbink, Lure HA Carbink, Friend HA Carbink, Friend HA Vullaby and Fast HA Vullaby /u/TheMadCollector
49. 5 Savanna Lure HA Scatterbug eggs for Lure HA Magnemite, Lure HA Torchic, Lure HA Drifloon, Lure HA Icy Snow Scatterbug (as egg) and Lure HA Oranguru /u/Withermaster4
50. Own Tempo Rockruff for Spearow /u/ImKindOfBlind
51. Own Tempo Rockruff for Noibat /u/phantomwalker42
52. Moon HA Lapras, Net HA Anorith and Dusk HA Super Pumpkaboo for Moon HA Shellos, Friend HA Petilil and Love HA Klefki /u/LordKaishi
53. (All w/HA) Heal Omanyte and Tirtouga; Net Omanyte, Anorith and Tirtouga; Repeat Omanyte and Tirtouga; Quick Kabuto, Aerodactyl and Tirtouga; Timer Kabuto, Aerodactyl and Tirtouga; Nest Aerodactyl and Tirtouga for (All w/HA) Level Kangaskhan; Friend, Heavy, Level, Love, Lure and Moon Miltank; Level, Lure, Moon, Heavy and Fast Pikipek; Level, Lure and Friend Yungoos /u/123alexis123
54. (All w/HA) Level Sentret, Hoppip, Sunkern, Shuckle and Girafarig; Lure Sentret, Hoppip, Sunkern, Shuckle and Girafarig; Moon Sentret, Hoppip, Sunkern, Shuckle and Girafarig; Friend Sentret, Hoppip, Sunkern and Girafarig; Heavy Sentret, Hoppip, Sunkern, Shuckle; Fast Sentret, Hoppip, Sunkern, Shuckle; Love Sunkern, Shuckle and Girafarig for (HAs) Level Aron, Sewaddle and Pancham; Lure Aron, Sewaddle, Litwick, Axew, Mienfoo and Pancham; Friend Torchic, Electrike, Feebas, Litwick; Moon Aron, Trubbish, Elgyem and Pancham; Heavy Electrike, Feebas, Sewaddle and Litleo; Fast Torkoal, Sewaddle and Pancham; (No HAs) Level Pawniard; Lure Noibat; Moon Wailmer and Yungoos; Heavy Trapinch; Fast Axew /u/123alexis123
55. (All HAs) Wobbuffet, Gligar, Qwilfish and Stantler in all 7 apricorn balls each; Heavy and Fast Girafarig for (HAs) Level, Moon and Heavy Spheal; Heavy and Fast Inkay; Level, Love, Heavy and Fast Skrelp; Friend Dedenne; Level Phantump; Heavy Noibat; Lure, Friend, Love and Fast Crabrawler; Lure, Friend, Heavy and Fast Cutiefly; Lure Rockruff; Lure, Moon and Fast Mudbray; Level and Friend Dewpider; (No HAs) Lure Phantump; Moon Crabrawler and Cutiefly; Love Dewpider /u/123alexis123
56. (All HAs) Friend Sunkern, Treecko and Burmy; Heavy Piplup, Dwebble and Slugma; Love Spoink; Lure Corsola, Lotad and Roselia; Moon Whismur, Shuppet, Piplup and Chatot; (No HAs) Heavy Gastly and Aron; Level Voltorb and Grubbin for (All HAs) Fast Surskit and Turtwig; Heavy East Shellos; Level East Shellos; Lure Trapinch, Roggenrola and Litleo; Moon Staryu; (No HA) Fast Sandile; Friend Emolga, Wishiwashi and Drampa; Heavy Chimchar and Oranguru; Level Castform, Deino and Klefki; Lure Grubbin /u/Azure4405
57. (All HAs) Lure, Moon, Friend, Love, Heavy and Fast Poochyena; Level, Lure, Moon and Friend Zigzagoon for (All HAs) Level, Friend, Moon, and Love Magnemite; Level, Friend and Fast Chansey; Friend, Moon and Love Kangaskhan /u/123alexis123
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (16 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Panpour 5IV HA breedjects I got while trying to get a 5IV HA female. (Sub: pokemontrades, 11 given)
2. Luxury HA Kanto Vulpix breedjects (in Gen 6) (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Tradeback for some trade evolutions /u/Urslef

Misc (0)


Ness_64's Information


Friend codes:
