
3196-6741-3408 || meow (M)
3196-6741-3408 || meow (M) || 0279

WARNING: This user is banned.

Trades (43)

[+] Events (6)
1. leveling/IV training for HKTW code /u/iSwanky
2. kingsrock/tradeback for lycanroc code /u/cesarmac
3. mew + lillie pix code for redemption /u/TheOnlyXdude
4. worlds 2017 exeggutor for marshadow /u/hardchibi
5. worlds 2017 exeggutor for pc easter egg set /u/valere1213
6. worlds 2017 exeggutor saves for worlds 2014 aegislash /u/kookykracks
[+] Shinies (11)
1. HA bunnelby with 5ivs for shiny mareanie /u/SargonTheDeadly
2. shiny oranguru for shiny roggenrola /u/SpiritSplicer
3. oranguru for lilligant /u/GeckoDragon96
4. shiny ralts/froakie for manaphy /u/GeckoDragon96
5. moon ball code for tsv rng'd porygon /u/Joeldstar
6. galladite for shiny eevee /u/alacritous_slacker
7. drifloon, froakie for chansey, togedemaru /u/dharlette
8. 16 custom shinies for proof'd rng'd shiny mewtwo and shiny moltres /u/TowersMan
9. shiny cubone in g6 for shiny swablu in g7 /u/qweligator
10. shiny drifloon for mespirit /u/YuseiFudoOfficial
11. s. froakie for 2 s. dhelmise /u/berry2257
[+] Competitive / Casual (26)
1. eviolite, 2 bottle caps for 5iv HA bulbasaur, 4iv JPN ditto /u/Califer
2. 5iv HA squirtle for master ball /u/Gowxtar100
3. LBHA A-Vulpix, HBHA Mareanie, MB Mimikyu, DB rotom, and Premier Swablu for 1 love ball and 2 moonballs /u/Dragon8989
4. 5iv modest squirtle and a 5 iv rufflet for razor claw, kings rock and oval stone /u/Gothictomato
5. DBHA dratini for DBHA bagon /u/Michael_Iedon
6. archen & sigilyph for dbha horsea /u/SaintRocker96
7. love ball 5iv vulpix for DBHA ralts /u/Hef17
8. love ball stufful for love ball /u/Sergio_Moy
9. 6iv + 5iv pkmn for DBHA mudkip, hardy oranguru (moonball), and DB feebas /u/taptop
10. 5iv LB eevee for dubious disk /u/Nanos001
11. ice stone for power weight /u/nebulesbian
12. 6iv eevee for 5iv gible /u/pmmeurmoney
13. 6iv HA eevee for 6iv whismur /u/gamefreak101100
14. BB HA rufflet for DB drilbur /u/littlebigtrumpet
15. 6iv eevee for 6iv sableye /u/Citrus_Hystrix
16. 5 IV Timid Rotom for 6IV Sandygast /u/dbrown24
17. perfect 5iv pichu for perfect 5iv electrike /u/BleakestSun
18. Life Orb, Leftovers, Choice Specs, and a 6 IV Anticipation Love Ball Eevee for 5 6iv pkmn, 1 5iv /u/Offlinelol
19. DBHA ralts for salamencite /u/satooru
20. audino, fletching, cyndaquil, emolga and zorua for Arceus - hardy/brave nature - OT: GF (Pokemon 20th anniversary) /u/Thirstykitten
21. DBHA Bagon, Swablu, and Horsea for Power Anklet and Salamencite /u/Leafs_kmy
22. bottle caps for bp items /u/Asura_Ronin
23. moon + love balls for breedables /u/Monkeyfuzz_
24. loppunite for amaura /u/ENZAxPAUL
25. 3 breedables for 4iv FRE ditto /u/AidosDS42
26. db horsea for db cottonee /u/pipeboy_CP
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (2)

1. shiny popplio /u/Q10609
2. shiny meditite /u/GigaLint

Giveaways/Contests (2 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. 6iv LBHA eevees (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. politoad/electibuzz /u/Tregasi

Misc (2)

1. tradeback for evo
2. tradeback for evo


meltedmochi's Information


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