
SW-5788-3820-9783 || Dharla Vi (VIO)
SW-5788-3820-9783 || Dharla Vi (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (185)

[+] Events (2)
1. event Torchic for Diancie /u/TG_Cid
2. 4IV shiny shedinja for Harry Pal Hoopa /u/Nessess
[+] Shinies (92)
1. 5IV chimchar for 5IV shiny Blastoise /u/Astrobandaid
2. 5IV shiny Blastoise for 6IV ditto, HP fire ditto /u/OhWoahWhat
3. 5IV chansey for shiney conkeldurr /u/Naphtali_Jenkins
4. Shiny Conkeldurr for HP fighting ditto /u/OhWoahWhat
5. HP ice eevee for shiny kangaskhan /u/iBubus
6. HP fire magnemite for shiny shedinja /u/Dphef
7. 5IV adamant Chespin for 6IV shiny Talonflame /u/meloman11
8. shiny Emolga for buneary w/destiny knot /u/shikimai24
9. shiny Carvanha for shiny Mawile /u/ShadowSkeet
10. shiny bagon for Zapdos /u/Tys92
11. 5IV Torchic for Shiny Greninja /u/newsgirl1972
12. shiny chimchar for zubat, poliwag, life orb, leftovers /u/Darkraioverlord
13. shiny charmander for groudon /u/13urn420
14. shiny bagon for shiny ralts /u/Velideon
15. Shiny 6IV Heracross, 5IV rhyhorn for shiny larvesta, nidoran male, volcarona, omanyte /u/Wizli
16. shiny froakie for shiny buneary /u/Syako
17. Ralts ♂ Timid Trace 31 31 31 31 31 30 Ice for 31/31/31/x/31/31 DBHA ♀ Riolu /u/tawmie123
18. shiny fletchling for heavy ball skarmory /u/Dt5423
19. 6IV shiny Kangaskhan, 5IV shiny stantler for ekans, lapras, chinchou, paras, dunsparse /u/savannah_allie
20. 5IV competitive shiny abra for 5IV female aerodactyl /u/Piedle1
21. shiny sentret, squirtle for B03 - 5,6 - Charmander (♀) - Timid - Solar Power - - Dark - [0298] B03 - 2,2 - Zorua (♀) - Timid - Illusion - - Dark - [0912] /u/jesusfreakette
22. B09-3,1 Scyther Male Adamant Swarm 31 31 31 3 31 31 1056 Sport Ball HP Dark Defog Baton Pass Quick Guard Counter Caz 47169 Shiny, B08-5,6 Anorith Male Adamant Swift Swim 30 31 31 31 31 31 2134 Luxury Ball HP Dragon Cross Poison Aqua Jet Rapid Spin Knock Off Monty 30554 Shiny, B09-4,5 Mantine Female Bold Swift Swim 31 x 31 31 31 31 Net Ball Bubble Beam Tailwind Slam Hydro Pump for 5IV shiny kabuto, 6IV HA kabuto /u/Xlxluckyxix
23. shiny HP ice Joltik for female 5IV cranidos /u/ThePokeBro
24. HP fire competitive bulbasaur for female 5IV combee, deino /u/nimaineb1
25. shiny: shinx, spiritomb, lileep for shiny dratini, a tropius, whimsicott, litleo, cottonee /u/jesusfreakette
26. Riolu ♂ Jolly Prankster 31 31 31 10 31 31 Electric 1471 for Binacle Male Adamant Tough Claws 31 31 31 xx 31 31 Water Spout/Helping Hand/Switcheroo/Tickle Nest Ball OT: Karmacode ID: 38150 /u/Harshul1
27. Starly ♂ Jolly Reckless 31 31 31 19 31 31 Dark 1222 for Bunnelby (F) | Adamant | Huge Power | | Electric | 1129 /u/s_10
28. B09 2 5 Carvanha ♀ Adamant Speed Boost 31 31 31 22 31 31 Electric 681 681 Carvanha Pal Dream Ball 39516 B09-4,4 Beldum - Modest Clear Body 10 6 3 30 1 10 Cherish Ball HP Fire Hold Back Iron Head Zen Headbutt Iron Defense Steven 11214 for Gardevoir Telepathy Timid 31 12 31 31 31 31 4 0 44 252 4 204 Dazzling Gleam Moonblast Psychic Focus Blast Ash 39547 Honedge No Guard Quiet 31 30 31 31 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wide Guard Destiny Bond Shadow Sneak Metal Sound Nox 35551 /u/Crash2Desktop
29. Scyther Male Adamant Technician 31 31 31 1 31 31 2085 Sport Ball HP Dark Defog Baton Pass Quick Guard Counter Liz Lemon 25248 for Marill F 아네 40488 Adamant Huge Power Dark 31 31 31 1 31 31 /u/DestinySaber
30. Binacle Male Adamant Tough Claws 31 31 31 x 31 31 Net Ball Water Spout Helping Hand Switcheroo Tickle Karmacode 38150 Shiny Hatched by u/Harshul1, traded to u/dharlette for Shiny Seviper | ♀ | Modest | Shed Skin | 1 | 31/6/31/31/31/31 | Punishment, Stockpile, Final Gambit, Switcheroo | Dragon | | OT: SofaKing | TID: 13158 | Obtained Here /u/Savannah_allie
31. Chansey Female Bold Natural Cure 31 6 31 31 31 31 1828 Dusk Ball HP Dragon Pound Growl Aromatherapy Seismic Toss Elliot 53834 Shiny for gen vii destiny knot & everstone /u/JuanSoloist
32. Wimpod Male Adamant Wimp Out 31 30 31 31 31 31 for Litten 31/31/31/31/29/31 Adamant /u/rmenegaldo
33. perfect shiny comfey for perfect shiny meowth /u/ShadowSkeet
34. Eevee Male Timid Adaptability 31 28 31 31 31 31 252 Repeat Ball HP Dragon Curse Wish Stored Power Yawn Ganymede 30221 Shiny for Naive Pheromosa /u/manjo__
35. Trapinch Female Jolly Arena Trap 31 31 31 23 31 31 1503 Dusk Ball HP Dark Fury Cutter Signal Beam Bug Bite Earth Power Niall 62397 Shiny for ★ Charmander ♂ May (13873) Timid Solar Power 31/30/31/31/31/31 Not EV-trained Ancient Power, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Air Cutter Dream Ball undefined SVEThread, bred by me /u/Milady_Snowdrop
36. Joltik 595 Female Timid Unnerve 30 17 30 31 31 31 771 Quick Ball HP Ice Camouflage Pursuit Rock Climb Poison Sting Kate 45933 Shiny Anorith 347 Male Adamant Swift Swim 31 31 31 26 31 31 361 Luxury Ball HP Electric Cross Poison Aqua Jet Rapid Spin Knock Off Ruby 29975 Shiny for ★ Cubone M Rafatina 6683 Adamant Lightning Rod Dark 31 31 31 31 31 31 Belly Drum Ancient Power Perish Song Skull Bash /u/DestinySaber
37. perfect shiny meowth for perfect shiny krabby /u/FranzBrosej
38. Joltik 595 Female Timid Compound Eyes 31 31 31 31 31 18 3546 Quick Ball HP Ice Camouflage Pursuit Rock Climb Poison Sting Dharla 56925 Shiny Lotad 270 Female Modest Swift Swim 31 30 31 24 31 31 3546 Safari Ball HP Grass Counter Giga Drain Teeter Dance Tickle Dharla 56925 Shiny for Pumpkaboo XL (♂) - Adamant - Frisk - - Dark Egg moves: Bestow Current Name Language / Nickname: KOR | Not nicknamed | Not nickname-able Ball: Premier Ball Competitive: Yes Egg origin: myself Egg hatch: goldenmel on SVExchange OT: 브론즈 | 44575 Drifloon (♀) - Modest - Flare Boost - - Dark Egg moves: Weather Ball, Tailwind, Defog Current Name Language / Nickname: JAP | Not nicknamed | Not nickname-able Ball: Dream Ball Competitive: Yes Egg origin: myself Egg hatch: Jamie-McL on SVExchange OT: J A M I E | 45249 /u/thelastduet
39. Mareanie 747 Female Bold Merciless 31 13 31 31 31 31 1448 Lure Ball HP Dark Haze Stockpile Swallow Spit Up Dratias ♥ 284981 Morelull 755 Male Calm Illuminate 31 7 31 31 31 31 714 Love Ball HP Dark Absorb Leech Seed Stun Spore Poison Powder イズミ 219739 for #198 ♂ Adamant Prankster 1 31 31 31 18 31 31 Perish Song Psycho Shift Brave Bird Drill Peck Electric Jordan/35321 Hatched through SVExchange by /u/PvtPrimate #285 ♀ Jolly Quick Feet 1 31 31 31 18 31 31 Drain Punch Focus Blast Bullet Seed Seed Bomb Electric Léo/50183 Hatched through SVExchange by /u/edinair_senhora /u/savannah_allie
40. shiny mimikyu for shiny relicanth /u/Zaskarel
41. shiny chansey & togedemaru for shiny drifloon & froakie /u/meltedmochi
42. Oshawott ♀ Darin (46480) Adamant Shell Armor 31/31/31/12/31/31 Detect, Air Slash, Night Slash, Copycat Lure Ball for 333 Swablu Adamant Natural Cure 31 31 31 30 31 31 Power Snap Agility Dragon Rush Feather Dance Perrin/46223 ♂ 1 "MM hatched by me in AS." /u/Stonewallsorgi
43. ★ Roserade ♀ Agent P (34470) Modest Natural Cure 31/10/31/31/31/31 Not EV-trained Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Spikes Nest Ball Eng hatch link ★ Kangaskhan ♀ Rachel (20260) Adamant Scrappy 31/31/31/2/31/31 Not EV-trained Foresight, Endeavor, Hammer Arm, Double-Edge Level Ball Eng hatch link ★ Trapinch ♂ Dharla (58482) Jolly Arena Trap 31/31/31/31/31/30 Not EV-trained bug bite, endure, flail, focus energy Friend Ball Eng hatch link for Camerupt -- Male, OT: Nia, ID: 808944, Quiet, Anger Point, 31/xx/31/31/31/0, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 HP, Love Ball, bred by user buckembarnes, traded to user Ali8Fayad: trade thread Trevenant -- Male, OT: Aj, ID: 389979, Careful, Harvest, 31/31/31/xx/31/31, no EVs, EMs: Grudge, Bestow, Imprison, Venom Drench, Moon Ball, hatch thread/trade thread Exeggcute -- Female, OT: Ricki, ID: 11109, Modest, 31/xx/31/31/31/31, No EVs, Dream Ball, EMs: Moonlight, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Ancient Power, trade thread /u/GeckoDragon96
44. ★ Snivy ♂ Malik (54374) Timid Contrary 31/17/31/31/31/31 Not EV-trained Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Grassy Terrain, Ancient Power Friend Ball for ★ Geodude-A ♀ OT: Khuong (045990) Adamant Galvanize Not EV-trained Counter, Autotomize, Wide Guard, Magnet Rise /u/robyn_herbert
45. ★ Vulpix ♀ Alice (11943) Timid Flash Fire 31/31/31/31/8/31 Not EV-trained Timer Ball for Hoppip (4EM, Love Ball, Jolly, Chlorophyll). OT is Blackbar and ID is 583153 /u/Romanborn
46. ★ Sandygast ♀ Llama (478510) Bold Water Compaction 31/9/31/31/31/31 Not EV-trained Spit Up, Destiny Bond, Amnesia, Stockpile Level Ball undefined hatch thread for stakatake and blacephalon /u/Quidam21
47. Mudbray ♀ Marion (05768) Adamant Stamina 31/31/31/23/31/31 Not EV-trained Body Slam, Magnitude, Close Combat, Double-Edge Level Ball undefined https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/6wsmb4/0705/dpvkczv/ for OT:Turese ID# 193149 Sudowoodo (♂) Adamant Rock Head Dark Curse, Rollout, Self-Destruct, Stealth Rock Proof /u/ShadowSkeet
48. ★ Dewpider ♂ Angel (41766) Adamant Water Bubble 31/31/31/31/31/31 Bubble, Stockpile, Spit Up, Aurora Beam Lure Ball hatch thread for * Lapras ♂ (None) Heavy Ball Modest Water Absorb 31 31 31 31 31 31 Dragon Pulse* Avalanche* Freeze Dry* Ancient Power* GHJKL 170258 https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/6wi3l9/1994/dplsyln/ /u/theflamesof
49. ★ Inkay ♂ Dharla (44629) Hasty Suction Cups 31/31/31/24/26/31 Luxury Ball chained by me (u/dharlette) in UM on 11.29.18 for No Nickname, SPA tag. OT: AINHOA, ID 802767 Female in Dive Ball. Nature: Rash / Ability: Cloud Nine /u/Zutone88
50. ★ Wimpod ♀ Mao♪ (65160) Adamant Wimp Out 31/31/31/3/31/31 Sand Attack, Spikes, Aqua Jet, Harden Beast Ball for Rotom (Lv 1) Comp. Shiny NA Timid Levitate 31 xx 31 31 31 31 None Dream Ball OT: Binh Truong, ID: 117534, Acquired from user ShadowSkeet on r/pokmontrades /u/GeckoDragon96
51. ★ Morelull ♀ Felix (35551) Calm Effect Spore 31/19/31/31/31/31 Absorb, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Poison Powder Love Ball for 30/30/30/30/30/30 rattled magikarp /u/goyange
52. Salandit ♂ 저격수 (57851) Timid Corrosion 31 3 31 31 31 31 Dark Knock Off, Fake Out, Belch, Snatch , Wimpod ♂ elf (43479) Adamant Wimp Out 31 31 31 21 31 31 Dark Sand Attack, Spikes, Aqua Jet, Harden, Grubbin ♂ Maki (89422) Timid Swarm 31 8 31 31 31 31 Dragon Vice Grip, for Starly Adamant Reckless (HA) 31 31 31 1 31 31 Double-Edge Pursuit Steel Wing Detect ♂ Chaos / 39318, Weedle Jolly Shield Dust 31 31 31 15 31 31 Poison Sting String Shot ~ ~ ♀ tangrs / 49662, Nincada Jolly Compound Eyes 31 31 31 24 31 31 Scratch Harden Endure Night Slash ♀ Kevin / 28026Rattata Jolly Run Away 31 31 31 31 31 12 Reversal Flame Wheel Counter Me First ♂ Andy Z / 42863 /u/andyjim
53. shiny cubone, grimer for shiny mankey, snover /u/MRBlobbable
54. the following shinies: Rowlet Popplio Crabrawler Cutiefly (Lina) Cutiefly (Peanut) Morelull Salandit Passimian (Sapphos) Bruxish (ロク) Dhelmise for Bergmite (M) Impish Sturdy Dive Ball 31 31 31 21 31 31 Recover Barrier Mirror Coat Mist Hikari 30393 538 Binacle (M) Adamant Sniper Heal Ball 31 31 31 29 31 31 Water Sport Helping Hand Switcheroo Tickle Amandus 50679 3694 Cacnea (F) Adamant Water Absorb Luxury Ball 31 31 31 28 31 31 Switcheroo Teeter Dance Seed Bomb Low Kick Calisto 65438 3043 Castform (F) Modest Forecast Dream Ball 31 26 31 31 31 31 Amnesia Hex Ominous Wind Clear Smog Linolenate 7704 1524 Dedenne (M) Timid Pickup Luxury Ball 31 5 31 31 31 31 Eerie Impulse Natural Gift Helping Hand Covet Fuqboi 48368 3647 Delibird (F) Modest Insomnia Dream Ball 31 21 31 31 31 31 Aurora Beam Destiny Bond Freeze-Dry Bestow Shigeki 17871 1237 6IVs Ferroseed (M) Brave Iron Barbs Premier Ball 31 31 31 31 31 0 Leech Seed Seed Bomb Stealth Rock Spikes Samaude 46938 4052 Aipom (F) Timid Run Away Luxury Ball 31 31 31 31 31 31 Tail Whip Bounce Fake Out Slam Bumble X 39306 1973 /u/UmiMizuAi
55. ★ Minior Bellatrix (63849) Adamant Shields Down 31/31/31/20/31/31 Moon Ball https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/83muu9/2364/dxfl2wm/ for ★ Taurus Sérgio 08877 Naive Intimidate 31/31/31/31/31/31 PokeBall https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/4aqnch/0412/d7998a3 /u/MRBlobbable
56. ★ Oshawott ♂ Leo (95594) Adamant Shell Armor 31/31/31/30/31/31 Detect, Air Slash, Night Slash, Copycat Lure Ball https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/6oonf9/2173/dkoiawr/ ★ Crabrawler ♀ Robbie (27966) Adamant Anger Point 31/31/31/0/31/31 Wide Guard, Superpower, Endeavor, Amnesia Lure Ball https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/8f2zjo/2429/e1oqi4g/ for #193 Yanma Modest Speed Boost F 31 21 31 31 31 31 2361 Reversal Feint Silver Wind Signal Beam Lure Karoc 3997 Dark #109 Koffing Bold Levitate F 31 19 31 31 31 31 3228 Curse Grudge Pain Split Toxic Spikes Moon JD 9605 Dark /u/savannah_allie
57. ★ Rockruff ♂ Abbe (53823) Jolly Steadfast 31/31/31/5/31/31 Sucker Punch, Thrash, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang Moon Ball hatch thread ★ Anorith ♂ Michael (52934) Adamant Swift Swim 31/31/31/24/31/31 Cross Poison, Aqua Jet, Rapid Spin, Knock Off Luxury Ball hatch thread for Shiny Skrelp Haruka/62656 ENG Modest 31.x. Adaptability Quick Ball SVExchange link Shiny Yamask Devin/29036 ENG Bold 31.x. Mummy Heal Ball SVExchange link /u/alienowitch
58. ★ Grubbin ♂ Taco (80386) Timid Swarm 31/10/31/31/31/31 Vice Grip Heavy Ball https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/7h6w01/1647/dr9s196/ for (★) Oddish (♂) Chlorophyll Quiet Ecnav/030868 Horde Battle ScumbagEcnav>you (★) Fearow (♂) Keen Eye Modest Stevie/559570 Random Encounter Zutone88>you /u/ryanj1109
59. ★ Cubone ♀ JESUS (40593) Adamant Battle Armor 31/31/31/4/31/31 Not EV-trained Ancient Power, Belly Drum, Iron Head, Perish Song Moon Ball undefined https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/8pz5ri/3457/e1oq3td/ for Shiny Boi (★ Chimchar ♂) Gero (94044) Brave Iron Fist 31/31/x/31/31/x Fake Out, Thunder Punch, Encore, Fire Punch Dream Ball Self Bred, Hatched in SVExchange Skellar (★ Turtwig ♂) IOSTREAM (93833) Gentle Shell Armor 31/31/31/31/30/31 Superpower, Seed Bomb, Stockpile, Grassy Terrain Friend Ball Self Bred, Hatched in SVExchange /u/shinybidoof11
60. ★ Cubone ♀ Axle (46844) Adamant Battle Armor 31/31/31/4/31/31 Ancient Power, Belly Drum, Iron Head, Perish Song Moon Ball hatch ★ Togedemaru ♂ Leoo (32020) Jolly Lightning Rod 31/31/31/26/31/31 Fake Out, Flail, Reversal, Encore Love Ball hatch ★ Wimpod ♂ Rocket (76754) Adamant Wimp Out 31/31/31/31/31/31 Sand Attack, Spikes, Aqua Jet, Harden Beast Ball hatch ★ Crabrawler ♂ Black (14442) Adamant Anger Point 31/31/31/6/31/31 Wide Guard, Superpower, Endeavor, Amnesia Lure Ball hatch for shiny sassy Celesteela, shiny timid nihilego /u/brandonewithyou
61. ★ Oricorio ♀ Dharla (58412) Timid Dancer 31/31/10/31/31/31 Tailwind, Safeguard, Pluck, Captivate Love Ball for ★ Scatterbug ♂ Finnley (292779) Timid Friend Guard stun spore, rage powder, poison powder Fast Ball /u/toxiclaws
62. ★ Cubone ♀ Pomme (61359) Adamant Lightning Rod 31/31/31/27/31/31 Chip Away, Ancient Power, Iron Head, Perish Song Moon Ball for (★) Shellos (East) (♀) Storm Drain Bold Fissure - Stockpile - Yawn - Clear Smog Ryan/524669 /u/ryanj1109
63. ★ Cutiefly ♀ Erwin (93348) Modest Shield Dust 31/22/31/31/31/31 Baton Pass, Bestow, Moonblast, Speed Swap Love Ball https://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/comments/8nxnxy/1851/e1orkpu/ for Starly Jolly Reckless Moon Ball IVs:31/31/31/*/31/31 Egg Moves: Feather Dance, Double-Edge, Roost, Steel Wing OT:Amethyst ID:779163 hatch thread /u/HikkiLover
64. ★ Bellsprout ♂ Rosa (64801) Modest Chlorophyll 31/1/31/31/31/31 Synthesis, Ingrain, Giga Drain, Weather Ball Safari Ball for (★) Shieldon (♂) Sturdy Impish Rock Blast - Stealth Rock - Body Slam - Headbutt Ryan/473377 /u/ryanj1109
65. Gigantamax Orbeetle 31/31/31/x/x/31 rash swarm for G-max Grimmsnarl Bashful/Frisk/ 31/31/31/x/x/31 /u/Darklord2200
66. Rotom 31/x/31/x/31/31 modest levitate for masterball /u/coalla123456789
67. shiny whimsicott & polteageist for shiny g-max charizard /u/mattybark
68. shiny g-max drednaw for shiny g-max duraludon /u/wannab_g
69. milcery 31/31/31/x/31/x adamant sweet veil for masterball /u/Waterbrokebro
70. Corvinight, NOT G-max, 31/31/x/31/31/x , mirror armor, lux ball, mild natureOT: Dharla ID: 534174 for 6IV, OT Mena, ID 863658, nature adamant, ability levitate /u/Jr_sss
71. shiny pyukumuku, shiny heatmor for shiny moon ball galarian Mr. Mimemoon ball galarian mime, lure ball chewtle, fast ball clobbopus, all HA, /u/Awkward_Bison17
72. shiny kirlia, shiinotic for masterball /u/thriIIhobaggins
73. shiny Duraludon g-max: 31/x/31/31/30/31 Stalwart, modest. OT: Dharla, ID: 534174 for shinies Elgyem: Lonely Nature, Telepathy Ability, Perfect IVs in HP/SpAtk obtained from u/Lunlaria from a trade in this subreddit, in a base Pokeball, OT Lunlaria ID No: 072979 Braviary: Docile Nature, Defiant Ability, Perfect IVs in HP/Atk/Def/Speed, caught from den in a Repeat Ball /u/cantdpslol
74. shiny vanilluxe for Interested in 6iv timid moon ball deino, 5iv (missing special attack) adamant friend ball Scrappy faefetch, and a 5 iv (missing attack) modest moon ball rain dish morelull, and a 5iv (missing special attack) jolly Pokeball dreepy /u/d1sturb4nc3
75. * larvitar x/31/x/x/x/31 guts impish OT: Dharla, ID:534174 * lucario 31/31/31/x/31/x justified sassy OT: Dharla, ID:534174 for Wailord: 4IV (HP: Pretty Good, Attack: Fantastic), Pressure, Careful, Net Ball, OT: Bilbeebo [090322], Caught in den Skwovet: (Very Good, Decent, Decent, Decent, Decent, Pretty Good), Cheek Pouch, Careful, Premier Ball, OT: Bilbeebo [090322], Caught in the wild (hence the stats) /u/bilbeebo
76. shiny Crustle: Ot: Dharla, ID: 534174, x/31/31/31/x/31, shell armor for zamazenta w/shield /u/encyclovinny
77. shiny drampa, shiny hawlucha for 1 masterball /u/thriIIhobaggins
78. Haunterx/31/31/x/x/31 docile levitate OT: Dharla, ID: 534174 Gyarados 31/31/x/31/x/31 intimidate OT: Dharla, ID: 534174 for 1 masterball /u/vanyalii
79. shiny Ninetales; OT: Dharla, ID: 534174, flash fire, naughty, 31/x/31/31/31/x for shiny wingull /u/ethylbromide
80. shiny infiltrator whimsicott. OT: Dharla, ID: 534174. 31/31/31/x/31/31 serious for Excadrill is in a Level Ball, Jolly, sand force, Level 100 with 5IV, last hypertrained. OT: Cameron ID: 309682 /u/RonnyCrawf
81. shiny Hawlucha lux ball x/31/31/30/31/31 limber OT: Dharla ID: 534174 shiny Golurk dusk ball 31/x/31/x/31/31 klutz OT: Dharla ID: 534174 shiny Drakloak repeat ball 31/31/31/31/x/x/ clear body OT: Dharla ID: 534174 for shiny Elektrike no IVs, Lightning Rod, Calm, Level 15, nest ball, OT: Raj, ID No: 924018 /u/RonnyCrawf
82. shiny glalie, sudowoodo, mareanie and dragapult for 2 masterballs /u/Girlhanna
83. shiny g-max milcery for shiny beast ball obstagoon /u/42Vappy
84. Shiny g-max Corviknight: 31/HT/31/31/31/HT pressure, calm, OT: Dharla, ID:534174 for shiny togetic is in a dusk ball w/serene grace brave, attack up sp down ot ilyasviel 231459 2iv spt atk & defense (traded for on here), dive ball shiny wooper w/damp attack up speed down iv wooper hp brave ot jack 760702 (my boyfriend) /u/wrathleen
85. shiny g-max lapras & hatterene for 4 MB /u/luxun870
86. shiny durant, shiny super luck togekiss for 1 masterball /u/Darth_Ott3r
87. shiny dhelmise for Snom OT: Max ID: 293398 Premier Ball Shield Dust Bold, with only HP as Best /u/MaximumVII
88. Gastrodon OT: Dharla, ID: 534174, 31/31/31/x/x/31 Grimmsnarl OT: Dharla, ID: 534174, 31/x/31/31/31/31 Polteageist OT: Dharla, ID: 534174, 31/x/30/31/31/31 for shiny drilbur SpDef IV, Adamant, Sandrush, in a Pokeball, OT: Evan, ID 330846 /u/RonnyCrawf
89. Wooloo - OT: Dharla ID: 534174x/31/x/x/31/x run away doublade - OT: Dharla ID: 534174 x/31/x/x/x/31 Gyarados - OT: Dharla ID: 534174 31/31/31/x/0/31 for Ralts - OT: Jeremiah (me) ID: 115276 /u/Ironburden
90. shiny Bagon for shiny espathra /u/rmountel
91. shiny wattrel (OT: Dharla Vi TID: 155385) for Shiny Lechonk | Heal Ball | OT: Nua | ID: 908334 | From user GewdandBaked /u/jackdembeanstalks
92. 30 shinies for 30 shinies:2x wooloo OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅ ✅ accelgor OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Honedge OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅ Doublade ✅ Drampa OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Sirfetch'd OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Dwebble OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Kingler OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Clobbopus OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Centiskorch OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Pancham OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Pangoru OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Seismitoad OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Corsola (Galarian) OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Cursola OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Runerigus OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Ferrothorn OT: Dharla, TID: 534174✅ Eldegoss OT: Matthew TID: 958512 - I hosted den, Matthew caught for me✅ Shiinotic OT: Otis, TID: 273477 - I hosted den, Otis caught for me✅ ✅Golisopod OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Yamask (Galarian): OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Klang [to evolve into klingklang]. OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Gourgeist OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Stunfisk (Galarian) OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Karrablast OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Escavalier OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Doublade [to evolve into aegislash] OT: Dharla, TID: 534174 ✅Dhelmise OT: Dustin, TID:226285 - I hosted den, Dustin caught for me ✅Electrike OT: Raj TID 924018 - Not 100% sure, but believe I hosted this den for Blitzle✅ Croagunk✅ Cyndaquil✅ Doduo✅ Flittle Ryan | Trainer ID : 182856 ✅ Greavard OT : Bailey | Trainer ID : 486056✅ Grotle✅ Hippopotus✅ Honchkrow✅ Horsea✅ *Iron Jugulis Ryan | Trainer ID : 182856✅ Jigglypuff✅ ✅Luvdisc *Maushold Ryan | Trainer ID : 182856 ✅ ✅Medicham ✅Numel Orthworm Ryan | Trainer ID : 182856✅ ✅Pachirisu Pawmee x2 Ryan | Trainer ID : 182856✅ ✅ ✅persian petilil✅ ✅quilava ✅Qwilfish *Screamtail OT : Bailey | Trainer ID : 486056 ✅ ✅spoink *Tandemaus Ryan | Trainer ID : 182856✅ ✅Tauros (Paldean) ✅Voltorb (Hisuan) Vullaby Ryan | Trainer ID : 182856 ✅ /u/GenericSupervillain3
[+] Competitive / Casual (90)
1. eevee for rotom /u/famicomical
2. breeding pair of eevees for breeding pair of larvesta /u/Reliquery
3. 5IV froakie for 5IV chansey /u/wingedzerocats
4. 5IV eevee/4IV eevee for 5IV fletchling /u/Drakus_
5. 5IV chansey for 5IV squirtle /u/zephyurs
6. 5IV Chansey for 5IV Ghastly /u/sangrelatto
7. chansey for ferrothorn /u/Wooplez
8. froakie for scyther /u/xFuzzYD_XD
9. 4IV eevee pair for 4IV scyther pair /u/Sinasyndrome
10. 5IV eevee for rain dish squirtle /u/mykdsucks
11. eevee pair for skarmory pair /u/Benw36
12. chansey for riolu /u/Pompot
13. chansey for heracross /u/sbisjf
14. eevee for charmander /u/MitchB33
15. skarmory for bulbasaur /u/Prinai
16. skarmory for goomy /u/PleinairLoL
17. chansey for riolu /u/Renglurr
18. eevee for ferroseed /u/Pyr0x_
19. chansey for lapras /u/realityx7
20. larvesta for hippowdon /u/Skeea
21. skarmory for clauncher /u/S7efen
22. ferroseed for magikarp /u/DavidLuiz4
23. riolu for yveltel /u/S7efen
24. riolu for gligar /u/sushispeak
25. 5IV Skarmory, Riolu, gligar, larvesta, ferroseed for mawile, snorunt, ralts, eevee, eevee /u/Blkhair
26. eevee& ferroseed for torchic & shroomish /u/tierrie
27. bulbasaur/chansey for absol/honedge /u/andresdlt
28. eevee for sandile /u/jotaro321
29. bulbasaur for yanma /u/hydigomed
30. riolu for drilbur /u/Pokeonly
31. chespin for scyther /u/bugcatcherme
32. magnemite for squirtle /u/robertodarobit
33. HP eevee for HP froakie /u/ThatAardvark
34. magnemite for bellsprout /u/kbhuchar
35. magnemite for flabebe /u/Slaying_Dragons
36. eevee for nidoran /u/Armx
37. chansey/magikarp for bagon/swablu /u/tifamaroo
38. torchic for carvanha /u/lee8888
39. turtwig for exeggecute /u/Sharkbyte12
40. horsea for durant /u/SNB43
41. chansey for 6IV Hawlucha /u/elfassigaming
42. HP Ice Joltik for 6IV Cleffa /u/StillWind_
43. tyrunt, magikarp for latias, palkia /u/thejexican18
44. Hidden Power Magnemite for Zekrom /u/Merintil
45. Mr. Mime for Thundurus /u/fxiy
46. HP fire magnemite for HP ice numel /u/Dont_You_Dare_PM_Me
47. scyther for helioptile /u/GDoophe
48. Magnemite/Fennekin for HP fire Snivy/2 thunder stones/1 dawn stone /u/Apatheee
49. squirtle for ghastly /u/saturo96
50. PP max for Ability Capsule /u/Awful_Person
51. turtwig, chimchar, nidoran for life orb, leftovers, sniper scope /u/johnjaysmithy
52. HP Fire Froakie for wooper w/leftovers /u/ThePigeonWhisperer
53. 5IV Bellsprout for 5IV Lileep /u/Dark_embrace
54. 5IV vulpix for 5IV Mantine /u/IJTreasure
55. bulletproof chespin for runaway oddish /u/TheMadDanny
56. bagon for murkrow /u/michaelsaurs90
57. DBHA abra for snorlax /u/kurimu-san
58. Magneton HP Fire for Repeat ball Shellder /u/tylerthecreatorandsl
59. Joltik Female Timid Compound Eyes 31 6 30 31 31 31 1322 Quick Ball HP Ice Camouflage Pursuit Rock Climb Poison Sting Dharla 56925 Egg for Bulbasaur ♀ Modest Chlorophyll Water 1291 /u/Amber_Mary
60. DBHA carvanha for moon ball ralts /u/Kendrickson21
61. 6IV murkrow for 5IV female mold breaker Axew /u/Aeryllis
62. drought vulpix for Audino /u/Howlo
63. Mr. Mime for Mantine /u/CrawlShots
64. 5IV Ferroseed for 5IV Gible /u/nimaineb1
65. Chespin, Joltik for Larvitar /u/Zombiz0r
66. wooper, heracross for anorith /u/Howlo
67. chespin for onyx /u/ginnycutie
68. Magnemite - Modest Sturdy 31 14 31 30 31 30 Poké Ball HP Fire for Friend Ball Venonat with Timid, Tinted Lens /u/Regigigas29
69. competitive ferroseed for competitive ghastly /u/Sushiimiii
70. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/5rrstz/lf_comp_gen_vii_pokes_ft_same/dd9nkgw/ for level ball Mudbray? Adamant Stamina LevelBall Ems: Body Slam Magnitude Close Combat Double-Edge /u/alan1589
71. perfect HA heracross/squirtle for 2 gold bottle caps /u/TheAwesomeMan123
72. hyper voice eevee for cutiefly/fomantis/komala /u/GropeAPanda
73. 5IV comp grimer for 30/30/30/30/30/30 /u/CallbackSpanner
74. froakie, ferroseed, shuckle, shiny anorith for dewpider, cutiefly, bruxish, Pyukumuku, Wishiwash, komala, cubone /u/jkengstrom7
75. mudbray for oricorio /u/michaelsaurs90
76. sandyghast for totodile /u/theauxcordlord
77. perfect snivy & komala for perfect slowpoke & snorunt /u/hanekawa1
78. hyper voice eevee with wish HA Mr. Mime Male Calm Filter 31 14 31 31 31 31 Poké Ball HP Dragon Fake Out Icy Wind Hypnosis Nasty Plot Rhyhorn with superpower & stealth rock for Passimian Jolly Receiver 31 31 31 x 31 31 ??? Vital Throw, Quick Attack, Iron Head, Feint Attack Venipede Jolly Speed boost 31 31 31 x 31 31 ??? Rollout, Pin Missle, Toxic Spikes, Spikes Wingull Calm Hydration 31 x 31 31 31 31 ??? Mist, Twister, Aqua Ring, Wide Guard Alomomola Bold Regenerator 31 x 31 31 31 31 ??? Pain split, Tickle, Refresh, Mirror coat /u/The_Big0
79. perfect HA oshawott for perfect houndour /u/BBallHunter
80. jolly kartana for sassy celesteena /u/PopeTemporal
81. bottle cap for HA sandshrew /u/MuseMew
82. HP fire gunk shot frogadier for tangela & cosmog /u/SirYee00
83. drilbur for misdreavous /u/Rayharryhausen
84. 12 pokemon, with 1 perfect 6IVs, shiny orangaru for ten pokemon, 3 of which are 6IV, shiny aerodactyl /u/savannah_allie
85. HP ice joltik & bold eevee for emolga, sudowoodo, & miltank /u/Freshboi214
86. Togedemaru for Darumaka /u/sagejonathan
87. wishiwashi for psyduck /u/michaelsaurs90
88. mareanie, tepig, oshawott, squirtle for cosmog /u/Zutone88
89. Sneasel Moon Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 Fake Out/ Icicle Crash/ Ice Shard/ Counter for Rookidee Heavy Impish 31/31/31/x/31/31 Rock Smash, Roost, Defog, Tailwind /u/CruelScorp
90. Sneasel for Snom /u/brightsprout
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Shiny Chimchar for Jirachi /u/zembem

Egg Hatches (78)

1. Hatched a female 6IV shiny Eevee /u/jaykyungsoo
2. hatched shiny vulpix /u/eddiy
3. shiny Amaura hatched /u/pepbooppep
4. hatched a shiny Shroomish /u/lee8888
5. Hatched a shiny Drilbur /u/Motel_Vacaville
6. hatched shiny phanpy /u/Zeck00
7. shiny solosis hatched /u/bosniangurl
8. Shiny Caterpie Hatched /u/franciscoarq
9. Squirtle (♂) /u/jarrens
10. Shiny drilbur hatch /u/KiritoRX
11. shiny geodude hatch /u/kojicarlos
12. shiny eevee hatched /u/3Anton3
13. shiny feebas hatch /u/GoodMuse
14. shiny seedot /u/RIMAN2209
15. 31/31/31/x/31/31 venipede /u/mose_cat
16. Spiritomb (♀) Naive Infiltrator Rock 3546 /u/MudsyKipsy
17. shiny Hippopotas /u/mose_cat
18. shiny poliwag female /u/xcjacob30
19. Oddish (♀) - Bold - Run Away - - Fire - [0587] /u/Phazonrain
20. Venipede (♂) | Jolly | Speed Boost | | Electric | 0587 | /u/Ariolu
21. shiny pinsir /u/Robin_Sparklez
22. beldum /u/douten
23. ralts hatch /u/ThatDarnSJDoubleW
24. charmander /u/sharmaopankaj
25. Riolu (♂) Jolly Prankster Grass [3546] /u/CyanideShotgun
26. scyther /u/kakesu
27. Seel /u/Blackballroom
28. meditite /u/v3220
29. Swablu /u/thirstgod
30. shiny Aron /u/chicktt
31. Pawniard /u/dmdoogah
32. 6IV ledyba /u/thelovelessangel
33. shiny drifloon /u/2309ropoo
34. B1 - 1,2 - Lapras (♂) - Modesta - Assorbacqua - - Buio [0587] /u/koroze23
35. Spinda /u/xyxit
36. Spiritomb (♀) - Decisa - Intrapasso - - Buio [0587] /u/-BloodyRed-
37. Wimpod (♂) - Adamant - Wimp Out - - Electric [2149] /u/devid70
38. Bruxish [1183] /u/LurkerRex
39. togepi(♂) - 겁쟁이 - 하늘의은총 - - 드래곤 [2149] /u/ssp03454
40. smeargle /u/Never91
41. shiny salandit /u/selbyyy
42. shiny sableye /u/HashG8
43. | B3 | 5,5 | Dhelmise (-) | Adamant | Steelworker | | Electric | [1183] | /u/Rafat9
44. Egg Info: Female Telepathy Oranguru (31/23/31/31/31/0) /u/egilbert605
45. B13 - 2,3 - Grimer (♀) - Adamant - Poison Touch - - Dark [2149] /u/Spoonfairy
46. Mudbray (♂) Adamant Stamina Dragon 1183 /u/crocokid
47. 4,1 Meowth (Alola) (♀) Timid Pickup Dark 1183 /u/Myst-Da-Zs
48. Larvesta (♂) Timid Flame Body Dark 2149 /u/Azniard
49. Marill /u/Gen7TSV2073
50. Rotom (-) - Bold - Levitate - - Dark /u/patchespatch04
51. Skarmory (♀) | Bold | Sturdy | | Dragon | 2149 | /u/Aznip
52. shiny bagon /u/jihoon05
53. shiny abra /u/jhey-zone-bee
54. shiny joltik /u/youngun15
55. shuckle - 단단지 (♂) - 대담 - 옹골참 - - 악 [2149] /u/chang0471
56. Pokemon: Cyndaquil (♀) - Timid - Flash Fire - - Dragon [2149] /u/Tanith5
57. Box 5 5,4 Feebas (M) - Bold - Oblivious - /u/buckembarnes
58. sneasel /u/ryanthomas917
59. B4 - 4,3 - Flabébé (♀) - Bold - Flower Veil - - Dark [0587] /u/fernnifer
60. charmander /u/theshyghost
61. shiny charmander /u/MartwoThePika
62. Espurr (♂) - Bold - Own Tempo - - Dark [2149] /u/hjan3312
63. Espurr (♀) - Bold - Own Tempo - - Dragon [2149] /u/kenlynw123
64. Yanma (♂) - Modest - Speed Boost - - Ice [2149] /u/kenlynw123
65. Torchic ♀ Adamant Speed Boost 31 31 31 31 31 31 Dark 1183 Dream Ball /u/Pierre90
66. shiny binacle /u/DillaDawg
67. Shellder, Male, Luxury Ball, IVs 31/31/31/10/31/31, Adamant /u/Von_Condersmite
68. tyrogue /u/Seankle
69. shiny scyther /u/Bazkoth
70. B2 - 4,4 - Trapinch (♂) - Timid - Arena Trap - - Dark [0836] /u/DillaDawg
71. Sandygast (♂) - Bold - Water Compaction - - Dark [0836] /u/GamerTehness
72. Charmander (♂) - Timid - Blaze - - Steel [1183] /u/LonelyDruid
73. Caterpie - Sport - M - Timid - Run Away - /u/ryanj1109
74. egg: | B01 | 2,4 | Deino (♂) | Modest | Hustle | | Dark | 1183 | /u/PlokCro
75. Rowlet (♀) - Adamant - Overgrow - - Dark [1183] /u/LargeSnowMexican
76. Egg: | B06 | 4,6 | Scatterbug (Jungle Pattern) (♂) | Timid | Friend Guard | | Dark | 0836 | /u/imapikachu1117
77. Misdreavus (♀) - Timid - Levitate - - Electric [2149] /u/shinybidoof11
78. Scatterbug (High Plains Pattern) (?) | Timid | Compound Eyes | | Grass | 1183 | /u/shinybidoof11

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 213 eggs given)

1. Abra/Froakie Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 13 given)
2. Abra, Heracross, Joltik, Trapinch, Froakie Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 20 given)
3. Giveaway: Froakies, Abras, Joltik, Trapinch, Heracross part II (Sub: SVExchange, 15 given)
4. Riolu, Lotad, Squirtle, Wooper Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 24 given)
5. 6 boxes, eight pokemon giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 20 given)
6. FFA: shinx, zubat, onix, starly, anorith, scyther, riolu, squirtle, lotad (Sub: SVExchange, 87 given)
7. Friend Ball grimer (Sub: SVExchange, 18 given)
8. All-match giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 16 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Myst-Da-Zs Jan 28, 2017 4:34:05 AM

Hatched a shiny Meowth for me. Quick and simple hatch. Thanks again.

scintillla Jun 5, 2016 12:46:22 AM

Gave me a couple eggs but when a species I wanted wasn't available she gave me one hatched anyway :) really efficient and accomodating trade, thank you!~

Toribyte Jun 1, 2016 6:59:19 PM

Got lots of free eggs with egg moves as well as one matching my TSV! Thank you a lot!

fuzzeon Jun 1, 2016 5:50:37 PM

Just got an awesome Shinx with great IVs and EMs. Thank you very much! :)

pedroabs Jun 1, 2016 4:45:46 AM

Got a lot of free breedject eggs and even a Riolu with the correct IV and a Riolu matching my TSV. Really awesome person!

zapurr1 Jun 1, 2016 3:48:56 AM

Awesome person! Got a lot of breedject special-ball pokemon and a Shiny Shinx :D

Fadx Jun 1, 2016 3:16:25 AM

Gave me a Zubat egg matching my TSV, hatched shiny! Thanks!

Ajdreams92 Jun 1, 2016 2:42:07 AM

super nice, super fast, gave me a great ivd pokemon, much respect!

Ultimau Jun 1, 2016 2:16:19 AM

Service was quick and fast!

Maxmixma May 29, 2016 5:01:43 PM

Trade a Starly shiny in giveawa and it was fast! Thank you. :D

GBDetective May 25, 2016 5:52:09 AM

Gave me a shiny Squirtle egg in a giveaway. Friendly and was quick to trade with. :) Thanks!

Crystal_Shapeshifter Apr 16, 2016 4:35:39 AM

Did an egg giveaway on /r/svexchange and gave me a heracross egg which matched my TSV. Was kind and quick to trade it to me =)

januarism Apr 12, 2016 5:22:36 PM

Let me have an Abra egg which matches my TSV in this giveaway. Was a pleasure to trade with! :)

ThePigeonWhisperer Jan 23, 2015 7:41:15 AM

Traded a Wooper with leftovers for an HP fire Froakie. Great trader!

Darkraioverlord Jan 22, 2015 5:40:33 AM

Traded my zubat and poliwag w/lifeorb and leftovers for shiny chimchar. Excellent trader :)

SNB43 Dec 26, 2014 4:27:45 PM

Quick and smooth trade. I would recommend this trader to anyone :)

dharlette's Information


Friend codes:
