Gave me a couple eggs but when a species I wanted wasn't available she gave me one hatched anyway :) really efficient and accomodating trade, thank you!~
Got lots of free eggs with egg moves as well as one matching my TSV! Thank you a lot!
Just got an awesome Shinx with great IVs and EMs. Thank you very much! :)
Got a lot of free breedject eggs and even a Riolu with the correct IV and a Riolu matching my TSV. Really awesome person!
Awesome person! Got a lot of breedject special-ball pokemon and a Shiny Shinx :D
Gave me a Zubat egg matching my TSV, hatched shiny! Thanks!
super nice, super fast, gave me a great ivd pokemon, much respect!
Service was quick and fast!
Trade a Starly shiny in giveawa and it was fast! Thank you. :D
Gave me a shiny Squirtle egg in a giveaway. Friendly and was quick to trade with. :) Thanks!
Did an egg giveaway on /r/svexchange and gave me a heracross egg which matched my TSV. Was kind and quick to trade it to me =)
Let me have an Abra egg which matches my TSV in this giveaway. Was a pleasure to trade with! :)
Traded a Wooper with leftovers for an HP fire Froakie. Great trader!
Traded my zubat and poliwag w/lifeorb and leftovers for shiny chimchar. Excellent trader :)
Quick and smooth trade. I would recommend this trader to anyone :)
Hatched a shiny Meowth for me. Quick and simple hatch. Thanks again.